Former graphic designer, current computer-toucher. I like cheese, robots, JavaScript, cooking, photography, computers, and ... too much other stuff. I live in the apple orchards outside of Rochester, NY, and you can find me on Mastodon, Bluesky, and GitHub.

Five Layer

Today was a five layer day. Shirt, thermal, hoodie, jacket, rain coat. It has turned back into spring here, after a few weeks of too-soon summertime. Forties and rain all day long, which will be good for whatever we’ve gotten in the ground so far (carrots, beets, spinach, spicy mesclun mix, other things I’ve forgotten) and especially for the pasture, which I’m excited to see green up and get lush and yummy looking (for a ruminant anyways). I envision it sucking up all this rain and preparing to burst forth at the slightest hint of sunshine.

Pasture means we don’t have to feed hay twice a day, making chores slightly quicker. For the past few weeks, chores have basically involved bringing hay to all the animals (goats, yaks, oxen, sheep) and making sure they have sufficient water. This happens around seven in the morning and five in the evening. I’ve been getting the hang of milking the goats as well, so I’m sure us interns will add that to our routine pretty soon. It’s still new enough to be a fun task, but already the cleanup portion of milking is a chore.

I’ve been lax in my photo-taking lately, thus this boring and unadorned post. I hope to rectify this soon with some panoramic shots I’m fiddling with. Some other day though, as it is now well past my farmer bedtime. The rain just picked up a bit, and that is my cue to fall asleep while listening to the gutters gurgle.