Former graphic designer, current computer-toucher. I like cheese, robots, JavaScript, cooking, photography, computers, and ... too much other stuff. I live in the apple orchards outside of Rochester, NY, and you can find me on Mastodon, Bluesky, and GitHub.

Gone Farmin'

As most of you know, I have left the lovely village of Rochester for a few months, in order to more fully scratch an itch I’ve been having regarding food and agriculture and ecology and so on. I’ll be working on a wee family farm in Ashfield, Massachusetts until mid-October. I am fully prepared for this to be a slightly different work experience than my previous job as a chair-sloucher and mouse-pusher, and am looking forward to that. I hope to experience 110% more sunshine, 80% more animal dander, and 1254% more plant matter than in previous years.

In order to more gently ease into the great outdoors, I went to Mendon Ponds park on Sunday with some of my most special Rochester friends. We experienced “nature” by walking through its well-groomed paths and feeding the ferociously wild Chickadees out of our bare hands. No doubt these skills will come in handy when dealing with the various domesticated fowl on the farm.

Avian Adventure

Avian Adventure

I’m currently at my parent’s house in Floyd, eating some niblets in preparation for more travel. I’ve got about three hours of driving left, hopefully with a stop in the middle to check out Troy and its curious inhabitants. I’m not sure what to expect upon arrival at Sangha Farm this afternoon. I visited them of course, and it seemed really great. I’m just bracing for it to be a big change of pace in so many ways. But, I’m excited and ready to get down to it. Keep an eye out for a plentitude of photos and more blathering… soon!